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  • Missed beat at 80 BPM

    Descriptions: Missed beat at 80 BPM. Normal sinus rhythm, but every 10 th beat is missing.

    Normal Sinus Rhythm

  • Nodal Rhythm

    Descriptions: Normal sinus rhythm except P-wave originates in the AV node instead of SA node. Shortened PR internal of 0.09 seconds.

    Normal Sinus Rhythm

  • Normal Sinus Rhythm

    Descriptions: All complexes normal and frequency is between 60 to 100 beats per minute.

    Normal Sinus Rhythm

  • Pacemaker moniting

    Descriptions: ECG tracing of users with pacemakers.

    Normal Sinus Rhythm

  • Pacemaker moniting

    Descriptions: ECG tracing of users with pacemakers.

    Normal Sinus Rhythm

  • Paroxysmal Atrial Tachycardia (PAT)

    Descriptions: A repeated periods of very fast heartbeat which begin and ends suddenly. 160 BPM for 5 seconds alternating with normal sinus rhythm at 80 BPM.

    Normal Sinus Rhythm

  • Premature Atrial Contraction (PAC)

    Descriptions: A beat occurs early in the atria causing the heart to beat before the next regular beat.

    Normal Sinus Rhythm

  • Premature Nodal Contraction (PNC)

    Descriptions: A beat occurs early in the AV node causing before the next beat. (Nodal rhythm – a cardiac rhythm paced by the AV node – short PR interval)

    Normal Sinus Rhythm

  • Premature Ventricular Contraction (PVC)

    Descriptions: Ventricles contract before signals reached AV node. Time interval between normal R peaks is a multiple of R-R intervals.

    Normal Sinus Rhythm

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